
Female research team studying DNA mutations. Computer screens with DNA helix in foreground

Preclinical & Early-Stage Research

Biostatistics, study design, data analysis, and interpretation.

Teamwork with massive data behind a futuristic interface

Advanced Technologies & Data Science

Wearable technologies, machine learning, algorithm development.

Scientist making a research. Genetic engineering stock photo.

Scientific Communication and Funding Support

Medical writing, white papers, translating results for investors and funding proposals.

Smart watch Application for Medical Scan

Preclinical Research Guidance

Our team guided a US-based biotech startup through digital biosignal processing in preclinical research, translating findings into clear narratives that enhanced their prospects and strategic positioning.

Closeup shot of an unrecognisable businesswoman calculating finances in an office

Strategic Publication & White Paper Development for Swiss Medical Device Biotech

Our team developed a comprehensive scientific publication strategy for a Swiss-based medical device biotech. We wrote and published scientific papers, followed by white papers targeting medical doctors and investors to enhance visibility and attract support.

Medical infusion pump for precise delivery of drugs into the bloodstream

Optimizing Early-Phase Medical Device Research: Reducing Costs and Accelerating Development

We developed study protocols and provided biostatistical support for early-phase research on a medical device in Switzerland. By leveraging advanced statistical methods, we reduced the number of patients needed for robust results, significantly lowering clinical trial costs and accelerating the development process.

Accelerate Your Biotech Success

Partner with BioData and Scientific Assoc. to navigate the complexities of biotech and medtech innovation. Achieve your goals faster with customized strategies and expert guidance.